Digital Factory Articles

Markforged Among Firms Embracing Distributed Manufacturing

Specialists in 3D printing like Markforged are leading the distributed manufacturing charge in supply chain manufacturing

How digital twins can accelerate new innovation adoption

Jeff Harris, VP at Keysight, on how dgital twins will better support developers and ensure their innovation becomes the next consumer necessity


Applying the metaverse to the manufacturing industry

Discover six ways in which the ‘industrial metaverse’ can benefit the manufacturing industry to work faster, more efficiently, and at lower costs


Giesecke+Devrient on new expectations for car manufacturers

Ralf Schedel leads market development in Giesecke+Devrient’s automotive business. Here, he discusses new expectations for car manufacturers


‘Factories of the Future’ & managing successful supply chain

China Performance Group’s Coral Li & Aurora Zhai discuss digital twins, ‘Factories of the Future’ & successful supply chains


Hexagon invests in Divergent Technologies digital factories

Digital reality solutions company Hexagon has invested in Divergent Technologies, the first modular digital factory in the automotive industry

Nestlé & Ericsson teamup for smart factories in Brazil

Food and drink manufacturer Nestlé, IT giant Ericsson & Embratel are strengthening 5G technology in Brazil with new smart factories & a private 5G network

5 minutes with Andreas Koenig on Smart Digital Factories

Andreas Koenig, CEO at automation manufacturing company ProGlove, on smart wearables, automation in Industry 4.0 and Smart Digital Factories of the future